Monday, May 17, 2010

back for round 2

no need to say that I have not been around for some time. it is obvious. like my inability to have anything else on my plate.
we are however breaking ground on our house next monday. i for one, am very happy to be in this position. my better half is wondering why is has taken so long. stop laughing.

as for my race season, it has been sporadic. i did the la marathon in best time this year. 4:22? and didnt train a day for it, so where does the the disappointment come from? and also did newport sprint, placed 7th out of 70. again?

i guess what i am experiencing is that fact that i either do, or do not commit. now, to keep myself from becoming depressed in that i cant train like i would like, i find the time necessary to be fit, as so i dont blow up during a specific race. i am just buying my time so that in july i can start again for IM AZ.

back to the modelo...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

holy.............. well you know thew rest

So, again, I find myself sitting here biting my lip. I am trying to figure out a way I can get around telling you all how my parent were right again; with almost everything. Time flies; doesn't it?
So, now it is January 5??? Holy shizzz. ( my wife is trying to correct my language, now that we have a toddler) yes, you read correctly, toddler..

See November last year. Flipping out with a new infant.

I am not on it as much as I want, but also due to my 'dive' into my new position about 7 months ago. It HAS paid off. I am very excited to announce that my wife and I are building our dream house. There is a piece of property in Costa Mesa where we have designed a beautiful, very classic, timeless, yet simple 3-4 bedroom house. We will be breaking ground around the end of the month. and it should take about 6-8 months. I feel like I have just become a part of my own movie similar to the old classic "Money Pit". I am sure that it will be time enough when we start with the "two weeks??" comment. But none of the less, we are blessed and I know that even one year is worth the time we will spend in this house.

Aside from that; I am bummed to find out, or shall I say, figured out; that TriBuy's is looking like the doors may be shutting. I am not for-sure but I have not heard about any 'dues' for this next year. Meaning that no one is that excited to grab cash from about 40 people. So, I imagine that no news at this point is bad news.

I am still planning on doing some cool races. Really want to do the Super Seal again. Just don't know if I will be race ready. But I was not ready last year and still did pretty well. so??? better try and get on it, hu?

Otherwise Kristin and I are doing good. We are tired of living in a place where we can't have what I refer to a "toddler freedom" everything situated in this house is NOT child proof. So that means about ever 2-3 minutes one of us is grabbing something off of something and or keeping something away from the girl. She is so damn fast!

Kayden is now almost 18 months. She is faster than a speeding bullet, able to step over toys without tipping over, and yet lights up my world every time she smiles!
Kids, worth having........ on a good day!
No, no, just kidding... blessed in more ways than I care to think about. It is almost scary.

Happy New Year everyone!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

let me see.....

So I have been doing a ton of thinking now that I sit on my bike for longer periods now, and during my morning work outs, and during the runs that tend to keep me from sleeping in. Work........doing great...... check.......... family.......... doing great, healthy, and strong, with no built in another couple weeks..............BIG check.... What else is there to report other than Grady making my life challenging my giving me a 7 day a week schedule to train and that my knee recently was a little tender. I have a feeling that this next race is going to be fun.

For the rest, my splits have been slow due to my aerobic zones are low and that I have been going slower to make sure I do all the workouts to the 'tee'.

Report for later might be more interesting...... but for now I am glad that everything is manageable.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

new beginning part IV

Now that things have settled down here I am trying to catch up. To give you the latest; I am now working full time in Home health, (love it) our property that we have been chasing down for the last 6 months approved short sale, and is closing this month, we have hired an architect to design our home and hope to break ground by Oct 1st. We are saving a ton living with my father-in-law. And Kiki is almost a year old! HOLY CATFISH BATMAN!!!!

I am finding myself saying,"that was yesterday?" and mistaking things from last week more often now. Face it, life is moving rather fast. 6 months will go in a blink.

As far as training goes I am back on the saddle. I have hired one of our teammates, Grady Funk who is one hell of a triathlete, to train me. He is very no nonsense but still has a personality. I am doing better at managing the things in my life that usually can cause chaos. That is amazing feeling. It will be a great rest of the year!

Now that I have everything under control, you will hear from me more often.

Monday, July 6, 2009

catch up

Now that I am officially finished with my education; there seems to be a very low number of jobs available. Yes, there is a nursing shortage, but now with this economy no one seems to be going anywhere out of sheer paranoia. The nurses that were going to retire, aren't. The part-time nurses have husbands that have been slow on work or have been fired; so they have changed to working full time. And the nurses that are working full-time are working more. That leaves me without a full-time job. Working part-time and trying to get my big toe in anywhere I can. (my foot seems to be too big right now)
Training has been good. Actually pretty productive. A week ago Chris Leigh was out to ride with with the team. Because it was our last day in the apartment, I had to sign the paper work. I also forgot to get our parking pass from my wife; putting me around 15 min late to the ride. And on an up hill ride, 15 minutes for me is a long way to make up. I did catch a couple of the team members that were falling off the back. Unfortunatly, they took a wrong turn and I got lost with them. Leaving me even farther from them. So, I made lemonade from the lemons and decided to kill it all the way, since my ride to get that far was purely anaerobic. So, I kept it anaerobic. Killed the legs, burned the lungs, and felt rather good for not having pushed myself that hard in a while.

I signed up for a couple of races and needed the motivation to get a carrot to chase. Training does not seem to have meaning unless there is a goal attached. Pacific Coast Tri here I come.

I am also going to do some olympic distances. I like being able to just hit it hard and see some strong splits. Plus the 9-10 min miles get old once in a while. I am glad to say that I am now able to hit the run on a moderate day with a 8-8:30 pace and feel the same comfort. Ran today 9.7 and felt great. Legs were a little rubber as I attempted to run the sand trails, but that is to be expected. Even walking gets the HR above 168.

Sooooooo.......... Keeping it moving and pleased with some personal progress. Just tackling another task at the career thing. F-ing Obama...........

Thursday, June 11, 2009


It has been a while so to fill you in; would take forever. Instead I'll give you an up-date.
I have been slammed busy working my ass off. I finished school Sat the 6th. I am quitting the ER. And have been relaxing as much as possible.
My training has not been as productive as I would like, but I am in need of some R&R. I am getting geared for some sprint distances and decreasing some waist line LB's. Biking and breakfast have been a fun addition on Sat's. And I never knew that life could actually be fun like this.
To new experiences and many more up-dated pics and reports. Peace!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009