Thursday, August 28, 2008

getting somewhere

Well today has been a good day.
I was able to feel like I remained 'on top' of all of my weekly shit. You know that feeling that you get when you have some things that you know that you need to do but choose to put them off? Well this week I knew was going to be one of those weeks. I set goals and have finished them thus far. But the goals that I set for myself I have already accomplished most of them. Tomorrow is the easy one. 20 mile bike to Newport, 2500 m swim, then continue to Penelton. Want to try to get >100 miles on the bike and finish with an easy 4-6 mile run. I think it will give me a great way of analyzing how my training has become effective.

Shout out to the wife!
Love this girl. She never stops amazing me. Her look, her words, her (well....) over all state. I am totally 100% in love with her. I had to fess up' with my having this blog. She does not get it. Funny thing though, no one knows that I even have it. I have not told any of my friends, co-workers. It is just easier to know that there is a blog that I can use as a journal if I feel.
I can say, put, or create anything that I want.
I love it.
I can say things like: how Obama can fuck himself.
How I wish more people had common sense.
How I hate school. Scratch that. LOATH school
How I wish I could tell off the people in my life that piss me off, that they are idiots!
How I want so badly for the things I can't fix to fix themselves.
and most importantly... How I wish people would just get over the fact that I am an intense, type A person who is tall, strong, driven, well accomplished, somewhat obsessive-compulsive asshole who states the obvious, so don't ask. If.... If you don't want to know. Cause I am the guy that will tell you what yo already know. You are too insecure to ask the question in the first place.

Happy trails peeps.
more later. A

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

my buddy....

Well now it is official. Dale Frazier has finished the Escape from Alcatraz swim. I had to see the official results before I posted anything. {1:05}
Turns out that the current was different, so the distance had to be adjusted. 2.2 miles total
This guy rocks; sells himself short but has all of the potential in the world.
Congratulations Dale!

Another Day...

Well everything is going well.
Took the weekend off to re-gain some needed rest. Hit this week running as of Monday. Today sat in the saddle for nearly an hour and a half; funny thing is that it felt more like a warm-up than a workout. I'll take this as a good sign. I am gearing up for a four day span of long hours.
Friday my plan is to bike easy 20 miles to the pool, 2500m swim, then continue on the bike in the direction of San Diego. I will probably go only to Penalton (a near by Marine base), then return home. [ possible 100 mile day??] Finished with a brick of 4 mile run, easy. Should be a good indicator of my hydration and nutrition status for 'the race'.
On the other chapter of the life, Kristin (my wife) is doing well with her pregnancy. As of Thursday she will be rounding 34 weeks. She feels great but ready for "this to be over". After talking with many friends and family, it or better said her behavior is quite normal. I am again excited to become a father, and look for many other ways I can teach and tell stories!
Keep it real all!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

just started

After reading so many other 'blogs' out there; I thought it would be helpful if I tried it.
So, we will see if it sticks.

Today I finished a hell of a day.
52 miles on the bike. Not too bad, except for the back-to-back flats at mile 38. Just for those out there reminder; check your tire before putting the new tube inside.

Training for my third IM event. IM Arizona in November. (23rd)
Really fired up for this considering that this will probably be my last IM event for a year. My wife is pregnant! So, daddy seems more of a fit in this part of my life rather than adding another event to the schedule.

As for my schedule and training; those who know me it is full. Just right I think. Not too busy where I can't sleep in once a week but busier than most I know. Best part is I am successful at all of the tasks on my weekly list. Although my wife may disagree.