Sunday, December 21, 2008

Slight crack in the blinds....

Well I finally took the dark drapes off of my windows. Since my final and other stuff had to be finished, I figured some much needed rest was in order. So other than smoking an occasional cigar, and drinking a few beers a night I like just being able to chill. It is nice....
Have not been doing too much. Although going to the gym has been a 'enjoyable' experience I am surprised I have not lost that much anaerobic strength.

Just a quick note in case I loose time again; Merry Christmas to everyone.
I would like to ask that if you see any form of a soldier, from one of the Armed Forces, that you buy them a drink and thank them for all of their hard work. Remember, regardless of how you feel about the War, they are doing their job. We owe them a lot of respect that they often do not get.
Soon I will return...

Sunday, December 7, 2008


I have been enjoying the fact that I do not have to train! Wow, I feel great surprisingly. Now JK told me that I would be feeling this way after all of that training because I am not doing as much, my body is totally recovering; doubt I could do anything over a marathon. I am however trying to see if it is possible.
Last couple of days have been filled with taking care of the 'kid' so that my wife can start training for her own personal goals. I was however allowed to go for a quick 2:20 ride on Sat morning. Dusted off the road bike and just wanted to spin a bit. So one of my buddies D who also wanted to go for a ride joined in. I asked MM to join too, but even he had some time constraints of his own.
This morning I put working out on the back burner. I went golfing. Cigar and Bloody Mary at 7am, nothing better. Played 9 and hit the ball pretty well surprisingly. Wanted to go out after with a buddy of mine Matt, (feeling better bro?) and take him out for his birthday. But he called out and wanted to 'recharge'. Guess he had a rough night. See yo tomorrow brah!!
On the lighter side my daughter is growing like a weed. I sound like my mother right now but fuck it; "They grow up so fast!"
BAck to it tomorrow..........................................................

Thursday, December 4, 2008

post race blues.................................................

hmmmmmm where do I start?
I have finished my race. Felt ok but still have a tad of the "what if's" about the race. Constantly thinking I did something wrong/ or could have done something differently. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok..... so now you seem to maybe understand. Whatev. I am done and beer has never tasted so good! I don't have to worry about how many calories are in each/ what I eat/ when I eat/ if there are enough carbs for the next days ride.... etc....
So, I have been debating that with all I have done why not do something that is a "whatever" race. I am thinking of doing a Marathon. I mean after all if after all I have done to prep for this IM why not do a 4 1/2 hour run? Seems like a small task after a 12 hour race? Plus with a 2 week or so taper of drinking I am sure that my cals are up to be burnt.... SOOOOO Maybe a HB race on the 27th of this month. No time requirement/ meaning I don't care if I explode. I think I might just try to go all out for 26.2 miles and see if I can numb-out enough pain to finish under 4? Would be nice.

As for this week I am getting my ass in gear and going for a easy 50-90 mile spin on Sat morning! early rides make me feel good to be alive and good to come home and watch football all day and feel lazy knowing I have done more in an average day than most have all week.
Feeling blessed now that I am home more to actually do something with this new thing in my life called parenthood. It is weird, in a good way, but what a change! MM was right; not easy and difficult to train for IM with the new addition. What was I thinkin??? Oh that's right I wasn't thinking.... I was acting on instinct. LOL.