Sunday, December 21, 2008

Slight crack in the blinds....

Well I finally took the dark drapes off of my windows. Since my final and other stuff had to be finished, I figured some much needed rest was in order. So other than smoking an occasional cigar, and drinking a few beers a night I like just being able to chill. It is nice....
Have not been doing too much. Although going to the gym has been a 'enjoyable' experience I am surprised I have not lost that much anaerobic strength.

Just a quick note in case I loose time again; Merry Christmas to everyone.
I would like to ask that if you see any form of a soldier, from one of the Armed Forces, that you buy them a drink and thank them for all of their hard work. Remember, regardless of how you feel about the War, they are doing their job. We owe them a lot of respect that they often do not get.
Soon I will return...

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