Saturday, January 17, 2009

getting down to it..

Allllllll-righty then....... (watching Ace Ventura)

I am officially back on it.

I signed up for the SuperFrog 1/2 Ironman Distance in March. And The Rock and Roll Marathon in May. I think between those two events with different distances I should be able to concentrate on some good base work and even some speed for the half. I am actually curious what I can do in 8 weeks. I started running and swimming last week. Run went surprisingly well. Ran 5-6 miles at around a 10:30 with a low HR. Just trying to 'ease' back into things. Swam on Thursday with a total of 2500m in around 50 minutes. 200 warm 300 kick, 4x 500m alternate between paddles and fins. Felt good. Nice and easy. Averaged 1:30 per 100m / that is pretty good for me, considering I put in little effort.

In 2007 my friend Mike spent half of his days training for the SOMA Half Ironman in his office, Doing nothing. Ended up beating me by 12 minutes. WTF!!! So, it gives me a bit of confidence knowing that I just came off of an IM and have a good foundation. I should be able to wake the spirit enough to be able to finish with a good time, but I'll have to wait till week 4-6 to be able to determine a what that is exactly. ??

Well it is official I have been asked to join the team "Trybuy's". They sponsor a couple of pretty fast pro's like Craig Alexander, Jeff Keil, You know..... Guys that finish, when you are about to cross the 3-8 mile marker of the Marathon. AKA Super human/ Retard strength.....
MM and I are excited to be on the team together. He was supposed to ride with me this morning but bailed on me last night due to his 'cold'. Can't blame the guy; he's married with a kid, and his wife is pregnant. When it comes down to it KEEP THE WIFE HAPPY! {especially at the beginning of the season} He was afraid that his cold would get worse if he pushed it. SO, you know what that means, I slept in. I plan on leaving for an easy 50 mile spin as soon as my wife gets home. {told you I could not blame him.... I have one of them in my house too} Sometimes letting 'Her' get the workout done first is better than Me being on the road at 6:00 looking at my watch like a Hawk, as so I can predict being home in enough time for her to bounce and make Spin at 24 Hour Fit. MM and I are going to start riding in the morning on Tuesday's. Little training time and for a couple of married guys who both have kids......... It's exciting to be able to commit to that and to be able to match schedules.

Everything else is going pretty smoothly. After this week of Kristin going back to work, our schedule makes some time for me to train enough to do some specific races. No Full's this year though. Next Year for sure!

Excited that things are getting back on track. Schedule is moving almost automatically. By the end of next week things should be pretty clear, almost habitual.

Much excite for 09'!!!!!


JK1 said...


you and your daughter are the cutest thing- can a guy say that? She looks like a little crumb on your chest from a sandwich. LOL...

all the best to you and your family in the 09... good stuff.

Moore said...

a crumb on your chest from a sandwich made me laugh out loud

aclousing said...

Well, she wont remain a 'crumb' for long. TRUST THAT! She's growing like a weed!

aclousing said...

And yes, The judges have ruled that to be acceptable for a gut to say...