Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I have finally caught up, well for the mean time. As you very well know, life keeps on giving. So, catching up is always temporary. BUT, for now it is a much needed fresh breath of air. !!! So... WHEWWWWW........

Lately I have had so much going on. From, the completion of school nearing by the second, to my little girl who keeps on getting bigger. Training has been slightly pushed to the back burner. However, I am happy to report that as of last week Monday I have been on a good training cycle to get prepared for the Rock-and-Roll Marathon in San Diego. I have been running a ton and swimming an extra day each week. My fitness had increased to where I feel like throwing up less often when I work out with Tribuy's Triathlon Team. Thanks Mike. Man, this guy is more sadistic than I EVER was. He is a stickler for form, and has some of the greatest core workouts. I have seen my muscles respond appropriately. After our workout I usually run with Matt, whom by the way has been absent, for nearly 4-5 miles. Of course, we run hills, step repeats, and often compare heart rates. Lately, I have been going out by myself. Which is nice to listen to music and run at a pace that doesn't cause me to again, feel like throwing up.

All kidding aside, the team has been good for me. My pride gets the best of me and forces me to bring it up more than just a knotch. It has given me a good indication of where I was before and where I am now. I would not have done, scratch that, I would not have finished the Super-Frog Triathlon without my weekly workouts from Mike! Thanks again Mike!

As for school, I am nearing the finish of a very long journey that has taken me nearly a year longer than expected. I am looking into many other hospitals to work at, and it is exciting to really look into each organization and determine what would be a good fit.

Well for now I have finished all of the things that were on today's list, and half of tomorrows. I will be feeling much better tomorrow morning to wake up and not feel behind for the first time in nearly a month!

Later all.


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