Monday, April, 6?? Man, my mom was right; Time
I have finally been given the time to catch up. Lately everything seems to me moving as if someone has hit the 'fast-forward' button. Was my race a week ago? Why Yes,,,, yes it was..
I had to read back to what I had written last; but man oh, man. I am very pleased with things.
I had fun, and finished with a not-so embarrassing time. 5:36:& change.... To sum things up you can read about it below, but otherwise I have been real busy with so many things I am actually excited that I have a week to re-group. My Rock and Roll Marathon is coming up, and I just learned that it is on a Sunday after my dad's birthday party. This party is going to be so much fun, I am forced to decide. I have chosen to train, so I will behave myself in several weeks to come. But, Otherwise it is has been neat to become a real 'dad' myself.
Kiki and I went to Crystal Cove this morning and ran on the beach. Lot's of tourists. Lot's of Moms'.... I happened to be the only Man within what seemed like 4 miles and cause every-time I turned to corner I had moms' and daughters' asking directions. Guess it was a complement, but felt like I am looked as more of an adult than I thought. We ran the cliffs and had a great time till I mistakenly stepped on the 'emergency' break..... Poor baby, woke her right up!!! We were not
running fast mind you but I almost found out how high I could leap, if necessary. We had a blast together and I can't wait till mom gets home so I can go for my first run.
As for you people who actually don't mind that I talk about this with you; this blog is
merely for myself to: dictate how I felt, what I experienced, and what I would do differently. Your continued reading has only sicked me as to why you would want to read
something like this.... But whatever...
I worked on Monday and Wednesday the week before. Friday I told my bro Matt that I HAD to ride for
at least 1:30 to
see what I could expect for Sunday, March 29. I was studying for a test on Monday, March 30. I also had clinical on Sat, Burn ICU. I took care of a man who had burned 77% of his body third degree burns that is. We had him on several
therapies to help prevent
contractors, (which is when your skin becomes like new leather and pulls VERY tight.) Movement is all that can prevent most of this. However, it is very painful. I then flew home and packed around 7:30. I hung with the
fam and scarfed some light eats. Dale, my buddy,
cruised over and we bounced to Coronado and arrived at 11pm. After a quick Pizza and 2 beers and getting my bottles and
cal's together light's went out at 12. I woke up at 5:30. Felt, eh
ok.. but really tired. I rode to the course and as I rode my legs stretched out. I arrived and got my numbers set. Then I realized I forgot a number belt. I chuckled.... and under my breath I mustered out, "of course". I then remembered I hadn't thought about it cause, I kept telling myself this was practice. I also had forgotten my chip ankle thing-a-ma-
giggie-bob strap with that race belt. I smiled big and the next thing out of my mouth was, "it going to be like that
hu...". I checked in and burrowed some electrical tape. Around the ankle twice and pulled it off.
Ok.... Now for a race belt.
Now, for those of you out there who like bringing everything with you to a race course I just want to say thank you. I used to do this until about a year ago. I realized I could bring such smaller bags and kill two birds with one stone. Warm up and pack less. Until last Sunday, I have never had a problem. So, I walked from isle to isle and asked for anyone who had one to sell, or loan. I know that in my bag at home there is 6 race belts all together I had forgotten, I then realized I will be home plus one more. {thanks Brian!} I put
everything together and placed my stuff out on the towel for transition. I put on my new wet-suit and rolled out. There was not a vast amount of people at this race but more than I had thought. I left transition and sunk into the sand, "glad we don't have to run in this I said." Nothing was said but I got a couple weird looks. We sunk all the way down to about the 700m mark that started the race. I looked out at the blue beast that was measuring about 53 degrees that morning. I thought for a second. "Why am I doing this again?" I looked to my right and there stood two guys that looked like total studs, in
speedos'. They were talking lightly and had caps and goggles on. One said something about a time when it was 49 and they had to pull a guy out
because of hypothermia. "OH Yeah," the second one said. After calling myself a 'pussy' about a thousand times I realized this is where Navy Seals practice. Practice. Ah, yes.... This is where these people who have trained to kill anyone, anywhere practice? ah, fuck.....
I was in the third wave, following the woman's pink head caps. I heard the dude over the hand held mic yell "go" I strolled into the ocean and all it had to offer. It was cold. And the waves we about 2-3 feet. I then realized the two guys that were standing to my right were walking in too. They looked at me and smiled. "Must be one of the smart one,
hu? Rule number one, don't ever shock your body too hard, might not feel it." As we strolled in I saw what he was
talking about. The water forced you to almost gasp. As I let each wave blow by, I walked farther and farther out. As each wave passed, so did many of the swimmers that were ahead of me. Finally, at one point the wave came in and was about to pitch; I took my sign from the two and dove in. I was as 'out-of shock' as I was going to be, and began to swim. I remembered when I had done Escape from Alcatraz before. The one guy next to me gave me 'free advice'. Not too keep your face out of the water. The sooner you get you face down, the sooner you get out. As I was rounding the second
buoy I was staying to the outside to keep my tempo. I was soon picked up and body slammed by a wave. I gained my bearings and began to swim in. It was a good thing that I have swam in the ocean my whole life or I would have
panicked. The break was a deep break, meaning you couldn't touch after the wave let you go. I finally got out and finished the second loop with no problem I even passed some of the pink caps that were 5 minutes ahead. I ran back up the thick sand, and into transition. I took it slow as to not forget
anything. I ran over to the mount area and blew by a couple of people. I started spinning and drinking water. I let 30 min go by before I had my blocks. I started my normal nutrition ratio of drinking my new beverage. And before I knew it, 1:20 went by and I was finishing the second loop. 2:40? I'll take it. As I came to the end of the third loop I had to pee. So, I again, took my time and hoped off my bike. And this nice gentleman from the Navy asked if he could hold my bike. I thanked him as I left. I finished the bike and felt great surprisingly. I took it up a little bit with my transition, to leave out of the same place I came from finishing my swim. THE SAME SAND???
Yes, serious. I ran down to shore break as fast as I could muster. Through this sand that was deeper than I could describe. It made no difference to where you ran because the sand at the break was just as hard to run in. I was amazed. My HR slammed to high gear and my pace dwindled to a 9:00. I was
desperately looking for the mile marker that signaled the turn to the highway. It never came. Instead the run took us all down the nice coast of Coronado; for
two and a half miles. We then ran or shall I say hopped through the thick sand and uphill to the gate that let us enter the 'old' base. We then turned to the right and onto a road/trail that had either sand, or sand and
ice plant. The choice was not easy either way, and difficult to remain in control for the first 10 or so seconds. I was blown apart to only see that same dwindling pace hit 11:00. "
Ok, remember Aaron, you didn't train. So, you can't get pissed. Remember your just out for a stroll." I was able to hit the pavement with a sigh of relief and was able to gain composure to accomplish a 9:15 again.
When I head back to the sand my legs cried. I reminded myself that I was 'practicing' with the Seals. And many of them were ahead by the way. The one I was mainly referring to was not a small soldier either. A good 6'3" and probably 190. Big arms with a look that seemed seasoned. {Ended up being on Seal team #1} I called myself 'pussy' once more and began running again. I ran the finishing miles until I had some cramping when I finally had to simply find a place to relieve some GI issues. there was nothing wrong, just bad timing. I grabbed a water bottle and head to the bushes. Wow, now 9:20 was back again possible, but I was simply tired. I ran/walk for about 2 miles and drank some water. I was pleased that I felt good, and was relieved to be tired. As I crossed the finish I was blown away with my time. I was trying for <6.
I was not very sore the morning after. More stiff. I felt great and have since been
chillin. Team workout tomorrow followed with a spin with the wife. I might be riding with Cam on Tues night. Uniform's came in. They look
bitchen. I am excited to wear the shorts tomorrow.
coming in ten. Gotta bounce! Peace....