Saturday, November 29, 2008
This week has been very fun for me. Monday was an easy walk down the hall of the hotel to my car, departing from AZ. Tuesday was my 1st shift back to the hospital. Heels killed. And Wednesday we headed out to the desert to for some holiday joy! Thursday and Friday have been cool, but now on its' third day, people are typically becoming less "happy to be a family" and more, "is there more Red??". Truth is we are having a blast. Playing a lot of golf, and drinking like a fish. Smoked about 2 cigars a day and my daughter has finally slept through the entire night!. Well Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and I am so thankful for all of you as well. All for my friends and family, a big thanks for being 'fans'.
Monday, November 24, 2008
walking tall....
Ok so my prediction of sleeping on Sat night was accurate. I didn't. Well, 2 hours but nothing deep. I woke up or needless to say, opened my eyes at 4:13. Breakfast; 1 L of Endurox, 0.5L water, 2 Bananas, 3 GU's, 3 cups of Wheeties, 2 TBLS Honey, and 2 cups Skim milk, I was ready to leave.
We, {Mike and I} arrived around 5:15. We put our shit on our bikes and continues the AM checking process. 6:30 came quick, already I was standing over water ready to get into the 64 degree water. BOOM!!! Next thing I know I'm getting kicked in the face and realize I have been face deep for who knows how long. The start was a blur as I went into race mode. Following the initial plan of 350m sprint to get ahead and chill. That plan was dust.... Everyone around me seemed to have a similar plan. I figured rather then attempt to drown I better just keep it constant and use my friend Jeff''s advice. I paced myself. All of sudden I was around the 1/2 way turn and heading back. The swim course has a slight right turn/bend to it. So as we turned it became very difficult to stay to the right because everyone was fighting for position. It was not the most enjoyable swim ever, but I felt like it was an appropriate warm up. Transition went well and I was suddenly on the bike. My goal after much thought {Jeff} I decided to take some needed advice to abort my original plan of keeping a specific average and go with overall effort/ HR. I kept remembering reading Jeff's email stating, "Remember, DON'T go out so G#*DAMN fast! Your going to get passed by old ladies, but it will come back to help". Ok, I got both! My average of 18.5 going out of town, ended up being against the wind (which sucked) but with a HR of 140-144BPM. Until I hit a hill and dropped my speed to 13.3 MPH I was feeling mentally good. Then I turned around. 33.6 MPH, with a HR of 136 BPM I was flying. Turned out the wind was helping in this situation. And being large I was passing people like I was on tracks! (A-Train had some wheels!) I again knew then what to expect, I immediately turned again to head out of town, changed gears and began to spin. HR was cooperative. Averages stayed around the same. Looking towards the third loop I noticed my avg increasing. Hr was the same. Until the turn around. No 30 MPH splits, instead a head wind and a 25 MPH avg. Okie Dok, where's the HR I asked myself? {144 BPM}. Like a rookie card player in Vegas I waved my hand over the cards 'stay'!!!! I just wanted to come in below 6:00 and on pace to do that. Coming off the bike I was feeling, a pain in the neck from being in the aero position for so long, and my left foot had a rather large blood blister on the big toe. I tried to focus on transition keeping my focus on not sitting long. It went very smooth. After a quick lather of sun screen [by 2 ASU Girls] I was stunned to see I was starting the run at 7:17! So by a quick calculation I realized if I ran a 4:40 marathon I would be under 12 hours! A 10:30 would give me a 4:35 finish; and I was training at a 10:00 per mile pace! I was stunned! THis is do-able....
Ok, there was just one small detail. During the last 10 or so miles of the bike I began to feel rather fatigued. I had some sugar and felt a slight improvement but was very gassy. Off I went, remembering again not to; "go out so G#*DAMN fast". I saw a good constant HR of 145-148 BPM. Averaging a 10:10 pace. Holding my own I didn't feel so poopy until another couple of miles. 'DUM DUM DUMMMMMMM' Mile 7. Moderate shut down..... System not working as ordered. I re-checked the list. Sugar? check... Water? check... Gatorade? check... I knew and Coke might help but was afraid of a potential bonk if I was wrong. I survived the next couple of miles trying to ingest Power Gel with caffeine. And was able to jog a 11:00 pace. Really could figure out what was causing this reaction? My legs felt good and I was not tired, just felt really nauseous. Knowing I would be screwed if I puked I restrained my pace with every burp. Until about mile 17-19? Chicken broth!! Life's many secrets. A cup of that followed with a Coke, boom. Suddenly a 10:35 was attainable. I tried to contemplate how on earth I would be able to muster a sub 10:00 min per mile pace on the back side of a run course that seemed to have all of the hills? It was becoming apparent to me that a sub 12hour time was not going to happen. I would have to run a 10:05 to catch up and finish around a 9:15 for the last mile. Legs were not going to be able to do that. So I relaxed, smiled and decided to use the remaining miles to see what I could do regardless. I had spurts of 9:50 and then a hill climb of 13:30. Approaching mile 21 I realized I had a mear 5 miles and I was done. 5 miles? I was approaching the 1/2 way mark on the Mill bridge and that would give me around 4 miles to finish the run all together. Feeling well enough to maintain a 10:15 avg I was keeping a positive attitude. I hit the last hill and had to walk. Got to the top and told myself I was not going to walk again. I went through the aid station made a Left and started to charge. Looking at my Garmin I saw a pace of 10:05 with a HR of 155 BPM and I felt light-headed. Who do I run up on? Mike! Hey buddy!!!!! Apparently he had some issues as well. He declared truce and we agreed to trot into town together reminiscing on all of our races together in AZ. It was great. We used the remaining 2 miles cooling down and ran through the finish line with a time of 12:12:15. I was done!!!! Thanks be to God! I could lay down and not move!!!!!
Other than I couple of screwdrivers at the Hotel with my brother I could not eat a thing.
I drove back into town today and am feeling rather pleased with how I did. I am very excited to have a life for a bit. Not to have to worry about getting in the necessary time and mileage weekly. I get to sleep in! Drink coffee! Eat Ice Cream!!! And Harp beer! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Needless to say I am so excited to be home. I missed my fam. I love sitting here with them at my side.
Thanks to everyone for all of you support in calls, emails, multiple texts, and word of mouth. I thought about everyone online watching. Hearing people cheering me on. It made me feel successful! It worked. You are all awesome and I sure do appreciate it.
Other than a bad set bloody feet with no more skin to spare on either heel I feel great! Slightly stiff but overall good. Can't wait for this weekend. We are leaving for Palm Desert for Thanksgiving with the fam. Plenty of golf, cigars, and tequila to make up for all of the calories I burned off over the past 7 months. Some much needed rest and family time is in order. Plus I really don't like the thought of swimming, biking, and/ or running for now.
More later, after my 10th helping of turkey!!!!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
clipped the toe nails, and hung the IV
Monday, November 17, 2008
last, of what I consider a run...
Today was a light easy 7 mile run/ jog. Had to pull back quite a bit. Wanted to go!
Really had a hard time pulling back. Did alright but it was a good learning lesson for the race. I am sure that it will be similar race day. (wanting to go and feel like I have to hold back)
Tomorrow will be a stretch day and easy 30 min jog.
Wed. Swim easy 2000m.
Thurs. 1 Hour spin. Easy just getting the legs to stretch out and listen to those beautiful race wheels 'click' under the frame....
Friday I will be departing in the early AM. AZ here I come!
Sat last brick.
Sunday race!
More soon.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Last week.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Ready as can be.
1hr bike, 1 hr swim (easy), 1 hr bike. Skipped the run though. Felt good just didn't want to push things. So I spent the time stretching and getting things in order to take the bike to Edge. Also, took a 1 1/2 hr nap! AHHHHH Felt so refreshing.
Well it did finally occur to me, I'd better spend the remaining days resting. I have had some good council from Jeff who has reassured me again, and again that I am ready. Hmm, you think he's done this before? Or better yet? Felt the same way? Amazing how no matter how confident we are we always have those little voices that can make us feel so different. I was asked the other day at the pool how did I feel; and the thought came to me. 'You know Aaron, no matter how much training you do in the next couple of days, your not going to improve your endurance, your only going to wear yourself thin.' 'So, CHILL OUT!'
Being a type A+ person is hard even for me to be around too sometimes!
Really excited now to be taking part in this race. A little concerned that the wind is back in AZ. Talked to my friend Mike today and he told me that it was windy again and sent me a pic of a flag/ starched.......... ug.
OK, well, really don't care about the time any longer. Just want to feel good during the race. I am totally prepared to feel miserable. I am aware that the bod will not feel great the whole day, and pain will be felt. Ok, a lot of pain will be felt. But I am fortunate to be able to feel pain, see wind, and race!
Thanks to all of you who have been supportive. In my mind I feel blessed knowing each one of you. You constantly ask how the training is going, and when my competition is. (Nov 23 again) It is motivating for me to not only talk about it with you, but awesome I have friends who care.
Each one of you will be there as I put in the time in fulfilling my goal!
I promise to give my best effort.
And to those who are also competing in the IM AZ 08'. Good luck! Just one thing....Stay off my ass. I know I leave a rather large pocket of air behind me, but drafting is illegal. Fair warning; Occasionally I throw open GU packets as grenades, and large squirts of Gatorade over the shoulder..... never know what aid station I will start. Not too deadly until mile 4-6 of the run. (get's real sticky... and annoying...)
Cheers all. More to come soon...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Okie dok..
Tuesday was a easy 1:15 hour spin on the trainer. 1/2 easy with the other 1/2 at IM pace. Felt good. Wanted to open it up a bit, but resisted the temptation. Was advised by a buddy to keep it down. Right JK? As for Today went for a small trot (6.5 miles) felt good, nice and easy. HR was there and kept in good control.
So recently Jeff and I have been exchanging a ton of info back and forth about this IM. Again, Thanks JEFF!! For those who don't know who this gut is, let me introduce him. He is a friend of a friend who has been involved with Ironman in a much more serious level. He lives in Colorado, trains like a psycho, and kicks probably any ass I see around here who think they are the shit. (most all of NB). The thing I like about getting to know Jeff is how willing he is to help anyone that is willin' to ask. He is a family guy and an incredibly humble with his approach to things. {PS he recently named me A-Train. When I asked him why? He responded that I am big like a train and when I start going I'm hard to stop. Or something like that.} Anyway, when the 39th overall placed athlete from the Ironman World Championship gives you a nick-name for whatever reason; it's a complement.
Tomorrow is a rest day.
Friday 1Hr bike to the pool/ 1 Hr swim/ 1 Hr bike home/ 30 min trot on the treadmill
Then take the bike to EDGE for tuning.
More Later.....
Monday, November 10, 2008
Atypical Monday....
Iced my legs for 1/2 hour and drank my Endurox. I feel good. Actually, now I feel great! I just got an email from a friend of a friend, who I now consider a 'friend' Jeff Keil. His words were put in a way to help me understand small things about my race. They are not things that most people would consider important, however, when you are getting ready for an Ironman and a more experienced, much faster Pro Athlete gives you advice? Ya.... Like I said, great.
I am already doing the small things he council ed me about from several weeks ago, but these were just small highlighted segments to keep me from making mistakes that can add up to a great deal of lost time. Again, THANKS JEFF!
As for other news, things are peachy! Kayden had her 4 week appointment with the MD and things look fab! He told us that we could start taking her out on small trips and outings. Nothing too crowded of course, but at least it is a step in the right direction. Kristin's doing well, just ready for me to shut up about this race stuff. Got to give it to her. I know that when I focus on something I breath it. I obsess about it. I analyze it. Then I talk about it. And then I talk about it some more. Then I'm looked at in a way that tells me to change the subject. Sorry babe.
Otherwise, like I said, peachy!!!
"Wealth consists not of having great possessions but in having few wants." --Epicurus
Sunday, November 9, 2008
2 weeks...
My Ironman is coming in 2 weeks. I will soon be departing. I am very fortunate to be able to dedicate enough time to this race. My wife has hated the lasts minutes on the trainer, last, "only a one hour run honey..." and the smell of the Tiger's Balm for at least 2 life times. She has been great!. I love you sweetheart.
So I have come to terms with things in a very healthy and focused effort to acknowledge my fitness; what should ones goals be of a race of this size. How are you feeling there clou? What is realistic. Here is what is important. Enjoy life, I am healthy enough to be racing this venue. Success is finishing. Second, with out injuries. Third, one sport PR, (meaning if I PR the swim, and/or the bike, and/or the run). And finally number four, under 12 hours? Bliss. I think all are possible. But I will not try to get greedy.
I know that a healthy mind does wonders, but at least for now I can't help catching wind in the cheeks from smiling all the way down Sand Canyon this morning. More later..
Friday, November 7, 2008
on schedule....
As for me I am doing ok, just feel bad that I can't do more. But I'll pick up more slack as she ages.
Today went as scheduled; 20 mile ride, to the pool. 3050m total. FELT GREAT!
Did a stacked raise/ pyramid. 100, 200, 350, 450(paddles), 600, 500(paddles), 350, 200, 100, 200(paddles). Otherwise my times all improved my nearly 3-5 sec per 100. Important thing was I felt like the longer pieces were cake after the first 200m.
Then 20mile ride home. Wind was up so I got HAMMERED all the way back. Decided to take it down to keep the HR in zone specific. But by the time I got home, time had run out. so no tempo run.
No prob. I felt overall pretty good for where I am.
Tomorrow taking off, and moving the run to Sunday.
Quote for the day: "Love is the life of man" Emanuel Swedenborg
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tuesday I knocked out 1 1/2 hour spin on the trainer. Felt like a quick 30 minute WO. (I'll take that as a good sign) Hr was cooperative, stayed in the norm gears with good hr balance. Even added a gear towards the end with a slight increase in hr but for the most part felt a better return on how the 'bod' was acting. More relaxed I guess, could be also just totally felt warm. It has taken a while at times to warm up at times. I hear that is a good sign for all the training I have done.
Wednesday was a nice easy 5 mile jog. first 3 was pretty hard, but felt like a trot that was quite manageable when I got to my race pace of 9:45. HR again was cooperative.
Today was a spin, 20 Miles to my friends house. Hey Spence!.. then a 20 mile ride back. 2:05 total. Felt easy at the end of the 2nd half. HR was right where I want it, even a tad higher with no probs, I added a gear to see if I could post a good average. Felt strong overall.
Tomorrow is a last 40 mile bike, in-between that a 2500-2900m swim, with a small 10min tempo run.
Sat, last 10 mile trot.
Commin down to the last leg! THANK GOD!! I am getting a little tired with all of this structured crap, it would be nice to just ride to have some fun. (not paying attention to hr, speed, effort, etc) I think you get the point. I am sure my wife will agree with that one too!!
Thanks honey! ;)
More soon.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Back in action, cont.
Hurts like a bit*#! But really makes a difference.
PM WO 1 hour treadmill run. HR was more cooperative, felt good, took a bit to warm up, almost 25 min. Can’t figure out if I am just tapering correctly or I am still recovering from some sleep issues. Glad to know I still have 2.5 weeks and change.
Saturday and Sunday off!
Needed some rest after my 2x14 hour shifts.
Didn’t really sleep all that well; baby stuff. Went riding for an hour to my swim WO. 20 miles. HR was slightly elevated. Swim was good, felt strong. 8x300 plus warm up and cool down. Biked back 20 miles. Was going to run but decided rest would be better.