Monday, November 10, 2008

Atypical Monday....

Well today I was able to get my normal WO in and get treatment by my ART guru Dr. Saddik!
Iced my legs for 1/2 hour and drank my Endurox. I feel good. Actually, now I feel great! I just got an email from a friend of a friend, who I now consider a 'friend' Jeff Keil. His words were put in a way to help me understand small things about my race. They are not things that most people would consider important, however, when you are getting ready for an Ironman and a more experienced, much faster Pro Athlete gives you advice? Ya.... Like I said, great.
I am already doing the small things he council ed me about from several weeks ago, but these were just small highlighted segments to keep me from making mistakes that can add up to a great deal of lost time. Again, THANKS JEFF!

As for other news, things are peachy! Kayden had her 4 week appointment with the MD and things look fab! He told us that we could start taking her out on small trips and outings. Nothing too crowded of course, but at least it is a step in the right direction. Kristin's doing well, just ready for me to shut up about this race stuff. Got to give it to her. I know that when I focus on something I breath it. I obsess about it. I analyze it. Then I talk about it. And then I talk about it some more. Then I'm looked at in a way that tells me to change the subject. Sorry babe.

Otherwise, like I said, peachy!!!

"Wealth consists not of having great possessions but in having few wants." --Epicurus

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