Monday, November 3, 2008

Back in action, cont.

Today: Had a decent amount of sleep, still not really feeling the ‘engine’ on all cylinders. Easy hill WO 1 hour. Nap in the early afternoon, after my ART appointment. Saddik is the shit!
Hurts like a bit*#! But really makes a difference.
PM WO 1 hour treadmill run. HR was more cooperative, felt good, took a bit to warm up, almost 25 min. Can’t figure out if I am just tapering correctly or I am still recovering from some sleep issues. Glad to know I still have 2.5 weeks and change.

Saturday and Sunday off!
Needed some rest after my 2x14 hour shifts.

Didn’t really sleep all that well; baby stuff. Went riding for an hour to my swim WO. 20 miles. HR was slightly elevated. Swim was good, felt strong. 8x300 plus warm up and cool down. Biked back 20 miles. Was going to run but decided rest would be better.

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